Private tutoring

Private Tutoring

For Students in Years 6 - 12

In conjunction with a sound study routine, regular tutoring is an effective way of supporting students to gain improved results. Tutoring support can be especially beneficial for students in preparation for examinations and for structuring and presenting assignments. Hubbard’s School’s offers students from any School the opportunity to receive tutoring from our outstanding educators.

Private Tutoring Details


Contact Hubbard’s School administration if you would like to clarify information regarding Private Tutoring. Either call (07) 3371 5999 or email


Complete the online Enquiry Form.


Hubbard’s School will contact you to arrange the initial appointment time. Ongoing tutoring sessions will be arranged between the tutor and the parent or student. Tutoring sessions are usually one or two hours per week, but can be longer and more frequent, as required by the student.

Tutoring Subjects

Hubbard's tutors commonly teach, but are not limited to the following subjects:

- Ancient History

- Biology

- Chemistry

- English

- General Mathematics

- Mathematical Methods

- Modern History

- Philosophy & Reason

- Physics